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SEC project (Safe and Efficient Cargo) used UHF RFID Technology for trucks tracking in Trieste area/region

Trieste, May, 16th 2008

Insiel, a system integrator based in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), announces today the use of a new system for the integration and rationalization of terrestrial and maritime goods flows. SEC project (Safe and Efficient Cargo), sponsored by the Transport Department of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG), aims to trace the goods flows incoming and outgoing the main logistic infrastructures and to automatically manage the relevant documents, such as docking demands andboarding/landing requests by truck drivers passing through Trieste harbor.

Trucks are identified by RFID tags placed on their tractors. As trucks pass through the three key points of Trieste infrastructures (Trieste Lisert motorway gate), RoRo terminal entrance and Fernetti customs vehicle inspection area entrance) tags are identified by using UHF RFID readers manufactured by CAEN RFID, leading company in RFID technology.
The information is transferred to a central server connected in real-time to all involved operators in order to synchronize transporters, harbor and maritime terminals activities.
The information available in advance allows to reduce truck movements between harbor and connected infrastructures achieving a considerable environmental pollution reduction. It is also possible to monitor the vehicles position in the territory: boarding waiting times are reduced (and they can be advanced if necessary), and safety level is increased by tracing each vehicle
and calculating stopping and moving time.
Thanks to the shared data the system permits to reduce the papers normally used in the terminal procedures.
Paolo Paganelli, Logistics Solution Manager in Insiel, comments as follows the results obtained: “The project represents an important step within the renewed interest of Insiel in the logistics applications, where the company plans to yield its technical
skills to manage big projects. The excellent SEC results will lead to the design and development of an ICT integrated platform for the regional logistics”.
Samer Shipping, one of the protagonists in the import-export regional scenario, welcomed very positively the use of the new system as possible heart-component for the logistical management of commercial traffics in the FVG area: “Thanks to its power, economic character and simplicity SEC is the ideal instrument for management and information exchange among operators involved in the local logistics”, declared Furio Bressanutti, Samer ICT responsible.
The use of our products allowed Insiel to obtain the performances required since the very first tests”, declared Giovanni Grieco, Marketing Director of CAEN RFID. “This is only one of the possible applications you can develop with RFID technology in the transport and logistics field. We are proud to provide a technology designed and produced in Italy and to contribute to the optimization of
road transports in the Trieste area.”

SEC is the first step of a wider project: the implementation of the regional integrated logistical automated system. A platform, strongly desired by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, and designed by Insiel in synergy with the main players of the regional logistics. It is a significant challenge, which makes Insiel a leader in the innovative logistics technologies applications.

In the next future the traceability platform used by SEC will be applied in the whole region to improve the logistical system efficiency, increase the safety, and acquire data useful to the regional transport planning. These features will turn into a better service for the users and into more efficient infrastructures, contributing to increase the interest in the regional ports such as Trieste.

Information on INSIEL

Insiel Spa, Informatica per il Sistema degli Enti locali S.p.A. has been established in 1974 with the aim to implement the electronic data processing system of Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. The company has beenstudying, designing and developing IT solutions for the government and management of public authorities, health services and local public services for 30 years, becoming today one of the leading companies in the field. More than 1500 customers (among regional offices, municipalities, public organizations and health departments)

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